How does the water cooler clean

cleaning steps:

  1. Remove the power plug and remove the bucket.All the remaining water, clean water machine cavity due to the residual water in the tubes for water fountain is the key to cause secondary pollution water fountain, so need to open the water dispenser at the back of the drain line of the inside of the net more than water, and then open all water switch, put the surplus water to water cooler cavity.
  2. Hold the sterile alcohol cotton ball with clean tweezers and carefully scrub the “smart seat” of the water dispenser.Usually these parts of the water dispenser are in direct contact with the air and can easily accumulate bacteria.The alcohol that USES disinfection cotton swab, can purify above dirt already, still can make preparation for next disinfection.
  3. general household water machine cavity has a capacity of 2000 ml, so will rise to about 300 ml of disinfectant dissolved in 2000 ml of water and refill the whole cavity, 10 to 15 minutes after the open water dispenser including drainage pipe and water switch discharge disinfectant.
  4. Flush the entire cavity of the drinking water dispenser with 7000-8000ml water continuously and turn on all switches to drain the washing liquid.
  5. Wipe the back wall of the water fountain faucet switch with sterile alcohol cotton.
  6. As the water dispenser has just been disinfected, there may be a small amount of disinfectant residue, so it cannot be drunk immediately.You should take a glass of water and smell the disinfectant. If it does, you need to keep pouring water until it doesn’t smell

Experts recommend cleaning the water cooler at least once every two months and cleaning it every month in summer.
